Tuesday, April 26, 2011

nag, nag, nag.

if you are a parent maybe this post will help you not annoy your children as much as mine annoys me. here's a tip... stop nagging your kid and maybe they will actually do it..
yes, i'm independent and may not be like most kids (aka my sister).. but seriously all the nagging makes me not want to do it just to spite him. and this nagging isn't just the, "do the dishes" or "take your clothes upstairs"... no this is the, "why aren't you working out?","i told your friend i would pay him $20 bucks to get you to workout" (and i swear if someone comments and tells me to go workout...), "why aren't you getting a job" (i've applied to 4, I'M SORRY NO ONE'S HIRING RIGHT NOW), "seriously go apply to that place" "why is this application sitting on the counter and not at the place", "(oh yeah and if i forgot to mention it the last 4000000000 times today) GO WORKOUT"
like i'm sorry i'm not a 49 year old freak who runs marathons and can't live without running 3-4 miles a day, and i'm not my sister who's a 400m track star, and no i don't want to go workout because i'm busy doing homework and if i wasn't doing homework and working out then that would be a problem too..
parents think they can't win.. check yourself is all i gotta say.

there are days i want to work out, sincerely, but i'm not just because i'm not gonna give him what he wants because i'm stubborn. like today for instance, i'd been thinking about what i was gonna do on the treadmill tonight (as far as intervals and stuff) and i get home and all i hear are 1,000 questions about working out and blow up.. now of course i'm not gonna work out because that would just make things too easy for my dad. so thanks, i blame a bad summer bod on you, dad.

i don't mean to offend any adults who might be reading this.. and hey, you might agree with the father.. but either way please take this as a lesson... leave your kid alone and see what happens..

hope you enjoyed my rant!